Select a payment service from the list below


Town of Merrimack
6 Baboosic Lake Road
Merrimack, NH   03054
(603) 424-3651
Thursday January 23, 2025 09:21 PM
Dog License Renewal

Enter one dog tag and all your dogs will come up for your review, renewal and payment. Outdated rabies certificates are identified and options to update documents from your Veterinarian. You can remove a dog if you no longer have him/her. There is a small transaction fee charged for using online payment services provided by EB2Gov.
Dog Licensing

Request a license for your new dog or renew your existing license. A valid rabies certificate is required to license your dog in the State of New Hampshire.
Motor Vehicle

Request your registration renewal, replacement decals or duplicate registation.
E-Reg - Motor Vehicle Registrations

Motor Vehicle Registration(s) renewals can be requested and paid for online. There is a small transaction fee charged for using on-line payment services provided by EB2Gov. Average cost is $1.75 per registration and a 2.99% for credit cards or $2.50 transaction fee for eCheck. Registrations are processed and mailed within 5-7 business days. Due to some Technical Changes this month, you may have received many emailed courtesy notices, please find the correct fees online.

OTC Fire Dept transactoins

All Over the counter transactions, not including the transfer station

OTC Fire Dept transactoins
Waste Water

Waste Water OTC Payments
Health/Building Dept

Health and Building Dept OTC Transactions
Vital Record Request

Certified certificates for birth, death, divorce and marriage licenses can be requested online. Performed by your town office and sent to you with a variety of shipping options. There is a small transaction fee charged for using the online payment services provided by EB2Gov.