Select a payment service from the list below


Town of Chester
84 Chester Street
Chester, NH   03036
Thursday April 25, 2024 09:00 AM
Dog Licensing

Enter one dog tag and all your dogs will come up for your review, renewal and payment. Outdated rabies certificates are identified and options to update documents from your Veterinarian. You can remove a dog if you no longer have him/her. Services brought to you by EB2Gov at no charges to your municipality.
Dog Licensing

Request a license for your new dog or renew your existing license. A valid rabies certificate is required to license your dog in the State of New Hampshire.
E-Reg - Motor Vehicle Registration

Enter one of your vehicles and all your vehicles will come up for you to renew online with EB2Gov. Remove any that you no longer have. Your registrations and stickers will be issued by your Municipal agent and sent to you in the US Mail. There is no charge to the town for these services provided by EB2Gov and for those who find value in renewing online there is an additional fee.
Motor Vehicle

Request your registration renewal, replacement decals or duplicate registation.
Parking Ticket Payments

Animal Control Fine Payments

Statement of Account

Printed account statements are intended to be used by Real Estate Companies, Closing/Title Companies, Escrow Tax Services, etc. The charge for this information is $1.00/per parcel plus vendor fees. Information is provided at no cost to the current property owner by contacting the Tax office directly.
Zoning and Planning Fees

You can now pay for your Zoning fees online. You must be a resident of the Town of Chester with a valid transfer station sticker to use this service. There is a small fee associated with the use of this service.
Building Permits

Upload and pay all approved building permits online!
Building Permits

Upload and pay all approved building permits online!